Make a donation
How can you become part of Vulnerables?
1 euro al mes es un mundo
El café del bar te sale más caro que apoyar nuestra lucha contra la violencia obstétrica. Si te unes al grupo de Vulnerables en la plataforma Teaming podrás aportar 1 euro al mes para que el proyecto pueda mantenerse y lograr sus objetivos. Tenemos muchos, pero no podemos conseguirlos solas.
O, si sientes que quieres ayudarnos con una donación, puedes hacerlo a través de estos números de cuenta:
Global Caja ES41 3190 0957 2504 0091 2515
Or by making a at +34 637 634 829
Don't forget to indicate your name next to the word Vulnerables.
Vulnerables needs your help to grow and make obstetric violence visible as a major public health problem.
Vulnerables is a long-term project that is open to everyone who wants to be part of it. Whether you have been a victim of obstetric violence and want to share your story, or you are a person, professional, organisation or institution that wants to support the project, we need all your help. necesitamos toda vuestra ayuda.
Currently, the objective is both to disseminate the project and to continue portraying and collecting testimonies of victims throughout Spain..
With this material we are going to develop a documentary in which we will give a voice to the victims of obstetric violence and collect the different forms of abuse and violence that women suffer in one of the most vulnerable moments of their lives.
What do we offer?
Vulnerables is a project that can be presented as a conference, photographic exhibition, audiovisual projection, dissemination day and round table, ways in which to make obstetric violence visible so that the public is aware of its true magnitude.
What support do we need?
You can help us in many ways.
If you are a community or institution, we would love for Vulnerables to come to your city to exhibit the project or to continue portraying victims. You can help us to find the space, as well as with the diffusion of the project and sharing the expenses.
If you are a journalist or a media outlet, we would love to hear about Vulnerables and help us spread the word.
If you want to send me your story as a victim of obstetric violence or if you are a professional who has something to contribute, I will read it here..
If you are an association, institution or company committed to the project, please send me an email to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Camisetas que nos hacen crecer
Sois muchas las personas que nos preguntáis como podéis ayudarnos a seguir con esto y llegar a más personas.
Para ello hemos hecho unas camisetas muy chulis que simbolizan vuestro apoyo al proyecto y que suponen una super-ayuda para la viabilidad del mismo.
Aquí tenéis el enlace con el formulario para realizar el pedido.
Gracias de corazón por vuestra solidaridad y compromiso.